Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Develop the patterns of a champion

The word 'routine' is just dreary, isn't it?  Who wants to do the same boring things day after day?  Why would you lock yourself into a routine when you might want to have some variety or excitement in your life?

There are many benefits to having at least a portion of your day strictly scheduled.  Many successful and prosperous people have a morning routine which prepares them for success every day.  Long-term success is really amplified when you have set patterns in your life that are producing the kinds of results that you really want in your life and the morning is an excellent place to get started.

Routines can:
  • Reduce decision costs associated with recurring tasks - Decisions are work for your brain.  Setting aside a specific period of time for a certain activity releases your brain from making decisions and allows it to rest, so you can make larger, more important decisions throughout the day.
  • Increase positive patterns - When you consciously develop a pattern, it is much more likely to be in line with your life goals, whether your goal is to have a certain physique, or to develop yourself professionally in a certain area.
  • Free your brain to think more creatively - Allowing your thoughts to wander, as they might when you are engaged in some repetitive exercise, gives your brain the freedom that it needs to engage the more creative parts of your thinking.  Creative thought can be extremely effective at generating solutions that had not been considered before.  
Whether you are developing yourself into an olympic athlete or you are a world-renowned author in training, setting and developing the habits and patterns can help you.  Having goals is what sets the champions apart from the unwashed masses and spending your time and attention on those goals is how you build excellence in your life. 

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